The festive period is upon us. ‘Tis the season to put the tree up, light the fire, pour a mulled wine, and grab the remote control.
There’s no better way to get in the Christmas spirit than by watching a film on the big screen, from the comfort of your own home. Whether romance, comedy, or animation is your favourite genre, there’s something festive for everyone.
Home Alone (1990)
A much-loved favourite featuring Macaulay Culkin, a mischievous eight-year-old boy who must face a pair of dim-witted burglars when his family accidentally leave him home alone during the holiday period.
The Holiday (2006)
Starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet, this feel-good romantic film tells the story of two homeowners who are involved in a house swap shortly before Christmas and, in true festive spirit, end up falling in love.
Elf (2003)
A hilarious and heart-warming story that tells the tale of a man named Buddy, who was accidentally transported to the North Pole as a toddler and raised by Santa’s elves. Played by Will Ferrell, Buddy takes a trip to New York City to meet his biological father, and the adventure begins…

Scrooged (1988)
Based on Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, this 80s classic follows the story of a cynical television executive who encounters a series of ghosts, giving him the chance to re-think his actions and discover the true meaning of Christmas.
Arthur Christmas (2011)
This animated film depicts Santa Claus’ high-tech operation to deliver Christmas presents to children all over the world. When Santa forgets to deliver a present to a young girl, can his youngest son, Arthur, save the day?
Love Actually (2003)
Set in London, this British rom com unravels the love stories of several couples, played by a host of famous faces including Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, and Colin Firth. The film delves into the various twists and turns involved in the emotion that connects us all: love.
The Grinch (2018)
Based on the classic Grinch tale, this animated, modern version is a firm family favourite. Starring the voice of Benedict Cumberbatch as the grumpy Grinch himself, he plots to ruin Whoville’s Christmas celebration by stealing the town’s gifts and decorations.
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Available to watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime.